Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Finally Home

I am finally sitting down at the computer to write. I got home late last night from Portland. My friend Natasha and I went up to Portland to work at Legacy Emanuel Hospital in the Level 3 NICU for two 12 hour shifts...Monday and Tuesday. We left Sunday, after I got off work, and stayed at the Holiday Inn-Convention Center. It was a nice hotel, but we were barely there, so kind of a waste of money...we do get reimbursed :)

It was so amazing to work with such little babies, we don't ever see anything that small, or sick for that matter. I worked with 2 wonderful nurses, Sophie and Barb. They taught me so much in such a little amount of time. Although to them it wasn't busy at all, for Natasha and I it was a great learning experience; everything was so different, new and exciting!!!!

Josh was waiting up for me when I got home; I am sure he was relieved for me to come home, the boys are as busy as ever. And, he had done ALL of the laundry...I am sure that it was a task (thanks babe)!!! And, right before I left we FINALLY got a Wii, so we had a bowling match before bed, I won of course :)

Deagan has come upon the habit of slithering in bed with us in the middle of the night; but by the time I got home last night he was already there. Anyway, he seemed happy to see me, then fell fast asleep. This morning Bray woke up, and was off doing his own stuff.....don't think he missed me at all :(

Well, I have to get going; Bray is down for a nap, Deagan is at school until 1:00, and I have a work meeting at 1:30........


Klinkhammers said...

How fun to get to read your blog. What an experience in Portland. Wow. It takes a very special person to handle those little tiny ones. You'll be perfect, Jenni! And CONGRATS on the new 'little' nephew! He looks just perfect.

Elisa Street said...

Hey Jenni,
My goodness you are busy. I am feeling really lazy now. Still waiting for baby #2. She is due the 20th. I can't believe how big Deagan is. Is he still at Good Sam? Say hi to everyone for me! I miss Good Sam so much.
Take care and stay healthy!